/ 🌍🍖 Looking for eco-friendly ways to source and prepare meat at home? (Read on!) | BestWayToCook

Eco-Friendly Meat Sourcing and Cooking Tips: A Must-Read Guide

How can we make meat environmentally friendly?

One way we can decrease our foodprint is to eat pasture-raised animal products and consume less of them. Discover more about the 'less meat, better meat' strategy here.

What is the most eco-friendly meat source?

Poultry, such as turkey and chicken, require less land, feed, and water than beef. Learn more about sustainable meat sourcing here.

What is the most eco-friendly way to cook food?

Get six eco-friendly cooking tips, from turning down the heat to using the right tools. Find out more here.

Can you be eco-friendly and eat meat?

Eating meat doesn't have to harm the environment, especially if it's grass-fed beef sourced from cows grazing pasture. Learn more about sustainable meat consumption here.